
The heart of our mill is a Pat Green Four-way Exotica carder named Lucy, and her picker and best friend Ethel.


After your fiber is washed and dried it is picked to open the fibers to a soft cloud, this is also when blending fiber is added.


Carding is the final step in the process and where the real magic happens. Lucy can card two sizes of roving bumps, batts, and cloud fiber.

Roving styles

Solid colors are a great way to show a bread’s qualities, each fleece can be processed separately or blended in color batches. Makes 5 or 8 oz bumps.
Stripes can be made with two or three colors it is best to have similar volumes of each. spun this roving looks marled, Makes 5 or 8 oz bumps
Ambre with three or four colors gives many plying options an excellent roving for chain plying. You will receive half in reverse, dark to light and light to dark. Makes an 8oz bump
Marbled is a fun way to mix colored and natural fibers. four or more colors are blended in a smooth transition. This is a great way to clear your colored stash. Makes 5 or 8 oz bumps.

Art Roving

Craft your own art roving with all the beautiful fibers you have in your stash..

Send us 2# or more of a base fiber and 20-50% more of your favorite colors of art fibers.

Lucy making Roving
Lucy making cloud fiber
Lucille Ball and Ethel Merman in the candy factory